European Economic and Social Committee

“Come possono i regimi fiscali sostenere l’economia sociale?” Gabriele Sepio, relatore il 7 maggio, al CESE

Taxation policy is a key element in promoting a vibrant, robust social economy in Europe. Well-placed tax incentives can encourage the creation of new social economy entities and bolster up existing ones, by ensuring that social economy entities can afford to operate alongside mainstream businesses. However, designing tax frameworks that are fit for purpose to promote the social economy is a challenging endeavour. In order to feed into the policy debate on the adequate taxation of social economy entities and to bring together the views of stakeholders and experts, the EESC is organising a public hearing entitled "How can taxation systems better support the social economy?" to be held on Tuesday, 7 May 2024, 9.30 a.m. -1 p.m. in Brussels.
Data evento:
26/04/2024 09:30
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