“Come possono i regimi fiscali sostenere l’economia sociale?” Gabriele Sepio, relatore il 7 maggio, al CESE

Data evento:
26/04/2024 09:30

Dear Sir, Madam,

The European Economic and Social Committee invites you to follow the online public hearing on

How can taxation systems better support the social economy?

Tuesday, 7 May 2024, 9.30 – 13.00

The EESC considers it important that European legislators make continuous efforts to develop a framework that lays the foundation for a dynamic social economy in Europe. In order to feed into the policy debate on the adequate taxation of social economy entities and to bring together the views of stakeholders and experts, the EESC is organizing a public hearing entitled “How can taxation systems better support the social economy?”  to be held on Tuesday, 7 May 2024, 9.30 a.m. – 1 p.m. in Brussels.

The public hearing will focus on key elements for developing an appropriate regulatory framework for the taxation of social economy entities in order to ensure the future development of those entities. The debate should stimulate the future publication of guidance on relevant tax frameworks applicable to social economy entities based on the analysis and input provided by Member States’ authorities and social economy stakeholders.

The debate is accessible via webstream. No registration is needed.

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