Mario Renna

Uno studio comparato sulle associazioni in Europa

The study explores the problem(s) raised by the European Parliament’s resolution and in the public consultation which took place from 5 August 2022 until 3 November 2022. Moreover, it identifies possible EU legislative and non-legislative action to solve these problems. This study’s aim is to provide the Commission with the necessary and appropriate data and information to identify the impact of several policy options related to the introduction of legislation further to the European Parliament’s resolution. To achieve this objective, the study: 1. provides a description of associations and key aspects of their economic relevance and function in the EU; 2. provides evidence to support the existence and consequences of the identified problems for the cross-border activity of associations in the EU; and 3. identifies and explores the likely impact of various policy options. Two elements in the scope of the study require clarification. First, the term “cross-border activity” refers to economic activities across different Member States and/or sending and receiving capital in another Member State, having members or board members whose residency is in a different Member State than of the association. Within that domain, a special form are the activities of associations in geographically closely related regions sharing a common border (“border regions”). These activities include, but are not limited to: providing goods and services, receiving donations, organising events, conferences and workshops, transferring seats, accessing public funds, etc. Secondly, the focus of the study lies on the legal form of associations and will not analyse any legal forms related to other Non-Profit Organisations (NPOs) as such. The one exception is the comparative analysis of associations and other NPOs operating across the Member States on the key legal aspects and their economic relevance.

T.A.R. Lazio, Sez. I-ter, 30 dicembre 2022, n. 17925

Questione di legittimità costituzionale dell’art. 16, comma 3, del d.lgs. 23 luglio 1999, n. 242, nella parte in cui esclude agli associati della federazione la possibilità di candidarsi agli organi direttivi a coloro che abbiano già svolto tre mandati, per contrasto con gli artt. 2, 3, 18, 41, 42, 48 e 117 Cost. comma 1, Cost., in relazione all’art. 11 CEDU, e dell’art. 12 Carta di Nizza.

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